Sandhill Crane

Sandhill Crane

P. F. Chang’s Rock’n’Roll Arizona Get Fit Challenge made it very difficult to visit the Phoenix Zoo yesterday.  Many of the roads that normally lead to the zoo were blocked for the safety of the 2,315 participants in this marathon and 1/2 marathon.  Shortly after we finally found a way to the Zoo, we ate our lunch in an enclosed aviary.  The marked lapwings would sip water and walk on the sidewalk near one of the entrance gates until the next group of visitors would pass through.  A sandhill crane preened itself near a pond with American white pelicans and other waterfowl.  In a secluded forest like area, a colorful scarlet macaw was busy preening itself, too. Cowbirds weren’t on exhibit but were looking for handouts.  Arabian oryx and desert big horn sheep were feeding.  Construction is underway on the orangutan exhibit which is expected to open in April.