Eagle Scout Project of Lewis Brownlie
Eagle Scout Project of Lewis Brownlie

Friday afternoon, we walked on the Greenway Trail to the Rodeo Grounds. We started from the A. C. Williams Granite Creek Park and walked the Greenway Trail to its junction with the Rodeo Grounds Trail which follows Miller Creek. We learned that this trail was an Eagle Scout Project of Lewis Brownlie completed in October 2016. We passed an empty plate on a log with the inscription: “Hello gorgeous” and a homeless sleeping arrangement below a street underpass. A few wildflowers were in bloom, including globemallow, perennial peas, prickly pear, and southwestern pricklypoppy.

Southwestern Pricklepoppy
Southwestern Pricklepoppy

The Arizona High School Rodeo Association and the Junior High Rodeo Association were holding the Arizona State Rodeo Championships for grades 5 through 12 at the Prescott Rodeo Grounds. This well-attended event offers the top state competitors the opportunity to win scholarships and to qualify for nationals. This was the first time we hiked this trail.

Arizona State High School Rodeo Championships
Arizona State High School Rodeo Championships